
                       +39 391 7026965          Location: Viale del Lavoro, 33

Informativa sulla Privacy

This privacy statement applies to owned and managed by MONICA TODESCHINI. This privacy statement describes how we collect and use the information, including personal data, that you provide on our site: The information also describes the choices you have regarding the use of your personal data, how you can access it and how to modify it.

Data collection
The personal information we collect includes:

  • Your name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number and home address;
  • Information on your stays, including arrival and departure dates, special requests and your preferences on services (preference on rooms, services or other);
  • Information you provide about your marketing preferences or while participating in surveys, contests or promotional offers;
  • You can also choose which personal information you wish to provide. If you choose not to provide certain details, however, this may affect some of your transactions.

Information we automatically collect
No information is automatically stored

International data transfer
The transmission of personal data as described in this statement may involve the international transfer of information to countries whose data protection laws are not as detailed as those within the European Union. Where required by European legislation, we will transfer personal data only to entities that offer an adequate level of data protection. In these situations, we will make contractual arrangements to ensure that your personal data is protected according to European standards. You can request a copy of these agreements using the contact details below.

Data retention
We will keep your personal data for the period of time necessary to provide the service, in accordance with the laws in force, for the purpose of managing any disputes with any third party and in any case for the time necessary to carry out our activities, including detection and protection of fraud or other illegal activities. All personal information stored will be subject to what is prescribed in this Privacy Policy. If you have questions about specific data retention periods, contact us using the contact details below.

Your choices and your rights
We want you to have control over how we use your personal data. You can do it in the following ways:

you can ask us for a copy of your personal data in our possession;
you can inform us of any change to your personal data or you can ask us to correct any of your information in our possession;
in specific situations, you can ask us to cancel, block or limit the processing of your personal data in our possession, or object to particular ways in which we are using your personal information; is
in specific situations, you can also ask us to send your personal information in our possession to a third party.
Where we use your personal information with your consent, you can ask us to withdraw this consent at any time and in the manner prescribed by current legislation. Furthermore, where we process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests or public interest, you have the right to object at any time to the use of your personal information, in the manner prescribed by law.

Questions or complaints
If you have questions or concerns regarding the management of your personal data or if you want to exercise your rights under this information, you can contact us by email at You can also contact your local data protection authority for any questions or complaints.

Changes to the information
Since our activities may be subject to change, this privacy statement may also be changed. If you want to be updated on any changes to this statement, please visit this page periodically to view any updates. If we make substantial changes or changes that impact you (for example, when we start processing your personal data for purposes other than those outlined above), we will contact you before we begin.